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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Have you noticed...

my lack of posting my shopping trips lately? It is because I have still been slowly working through eating some of our stockpile. The only food shopping I've done lately has been to replace our fresh fruits and veggies and a few trips to King Soopers to stock up on the free mountain high yogurt that ended on Tuesday.

I love the fact that I have been able to stock up on so much food at rock bottom prices that I literally have a couple of months of food at my house. The only problem with having that much is making sure you actually eat it before it goes bad - and that is why I eat from my stockpile a couple of times a year. I don't want to get stuck with food that has expired or gone bad, even if it was really cheap. The only good deal is a deal that you can use OR donate!

I promise, once I start shopping and couponing more again, I'll keep you posted on my adventures!

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