Once you have everything the first step to actually making this is to heat 4-6 cups of water in a pan on the stove. You don't want to bring it to a boil, but need it warm enough to dissolve the soap you will be adding to it. While the water is heating up, you need to finely grate the bar of soap. This was the most dangerous and time consuming part of the whole process! Bars of soap are much harder to grate than cheese - yep I know you are shocked to hear that. After several cut knuckles and about 10 minutes of grating on my cheap grater - I had completed this part.
I have been using this detergent for a couple of weeks and put it to good test as to how good of a job it does actually cleaning our clothes. The first big test was my daughter's t-shirt that was covered in spilled chocolate milk. It took 2 washes with no pretreatment of the stain but the shirt is completely clean!
I was a little bit hesitant to do this because my son has super sensitive skin but we haven't had any problems with it causing him any issues.
Here's the cost breakdown for those of you interested. I'm going to list whole costs since it was my first batch and I had to get everything and then I'll break it down as to how much it costs to only make the batch (meaning I won't include bucket cost or entire box cost, just cost for how much of each ingredient I used).
Bucket - $3.62
Borax - $3.20
Washing Soda - $4.32
Dr. Bronner's Soap - $1.04 - on super clearance!
Total start up cost = $12.18
Cost of actual ingredients used to make one batch of detergent:
Borax - $.14
Washing Soda - $.71
Dr. Bronner's Soap - $1.04
Water - $.10 (just a high estimate for the 4 1/2 gallons I used)
Total Cost = $1.99 for 4 1/2 gallons of detergent (I estimate this much since I didn't fill the bucket completely to the top)
I use about 1/2 cup (4 oz.) per load and since I made 4 1/2 gallons (576 oz.) I will get about 144 loads per batch at a cost of ONLY $.014 per load, less than $.02 each! How is that for thrifty?
And now a couple of side notes. This whole process from start to finish took me 22 minutes and that includes taking the pictures along the way, so it is a quick process. If you are a better soap grater than I am, you should be able to do this easily in 15 minutes or less. I know people use regular bar soap like Ivory for making their detergent and have success with it as well. Be careful and make sure to store the ingredients out of reach of little ones or pets - these ingredients are natural but can be dangerous for kids and pets if ingested.
Whew...that ended up being a novel! Are you inspired to make your own detergent now? It is just another way to save even more money on things we need and use!
I am totally inspired. I too have a little one with very sensitive skin as am I so I was happy to hear it is working well in that department. Thanks so much for doing this and posting it!
ReplyDeletemeant to ask where you found the soap...just thinking it might be more of a specialty store item.
ReplyDeleteI found the soap on clearance at Target. They keep it near the makeup, not with the other soaps. It was on clearance for 75% off, as Dr. Bronner's soaps usually run about $4/bar! I know that Whole Foods and other "health food stores" also carry them and I have purchased it online before as well.
ReplyDeleteI finally got around to trying this, and so far, so good! I used Ivory soap, and it was almost as easy as cheese to grate! I did my first load of laundry today, and I am very pleased with the results. Thank you, Thrify Mom!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - I'm so glad to hear you tried it and are happy so far with the results. I am still loving my homemade detergent too!